Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

~ Ebook Download Until You, by Jennifer McNare

Ebook Download Until You, by Jennifer McNare

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Until You, by Jennifer McNare

Until You, by Jennifer McNare

Until You, by Jennifer McNare

Ebook Download Until You, by Jennifer McNare

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Until You, by Jennifer McNare

Original Publication Date: 6/1/2012

He swore he'd never love again...
She would risk her heart time and again to prove him wrong...

Much to his aggravation, the wickedly handsome Duke of Sethe, is wanted by every husband-hunting, title-chasing female in the country, or so it seems. Twice betrayed by women he loved, Nicholas Leighton is no longer the gullible young fool he was in his youth. Having grown cool and cynical, as well as older and wiser, he has vowed to never again allow another woman to affect him emotionally, for he has learned his lessons and learned them well. So, when the breathtakingly lovely Ashleigh St. John suddenly and unexpectedly enters his life, as well as his home, he is determined to keep the alluring interloper at an emotional and physical distance. Unfortunately, he quickly discovers that some things are easier said than done.

Reckless and daring, Ashleigh St. John is an unconventional young lady with the heart of a hopeless romantic. When she meets Nicholas Leighton she is certain that she has met the man of her dreams, but unfortunately, the man of her dreams seems bound and determined to keep her at a distance, hiding his true emotions behind a self-erected wall of cool detachment and calculated indifference. But having glimpsed the wonderful man hiding behind the facade, she too is determined, determined to do whatever it takes to break through the intractable barriers that guard his heart, willing even, to surrender her innocence and time and again risk her ravaged heart to ultimately win his trust and more importantly his love.

Dear Reader: Warning: If you are looking for a hearts and flowers romance, this probably isn't the book for you. This story involves a damaged hero who is desperate to keep from being hurt again and will do just about anything (including acting like a complete jerk at times) to keep the heroine from breaking down the walls he's built around his heart.

The Reformed Rakes Series:
Book 1 – Until You (Nicholas)
Book 2 – You, and Only You (Alex)
Book 3 – When Only a Rake Will Do (Brendon)

(Although these books are part of a series, written in chronological order and feature recurring characters, each can be read as a stand alone novel if so desired.)

Please note: This book was originally titled Forever & Always.

  • Sales Rank: #65534 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-01-16
  • Released on: 2014-01-16
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

85 of 93 people found the following review helpful.
Awful story, not worth reading
By Sandy Milan
I recently read 2 good books by this author and decided to give this one a try despite the negative reviews. Imagine my horror when I discovered that I'd actually read it before and had obviously tried really hard to forget it. It must have been before I started doing reviews on Amazon just over a year ago. I now track what books I've read via my reviews of those books. I'm not going to do a summary because there are so many. I'll just say what I hated:

The H was a jack**s for most of the book. I couldn't forgive him for taking the h's innocence just before halfway into the book, without remorse or compassion. He leaves her without a backward glance. In short I hated him. She was a 17 year old innocent and he treated her like a doxy. She was under his protection in his house but only in so far as it suited him. He gets her pregnant, refuses to believe he is the father, accuses her of being a wh**e several times despite the fact that he knows he ruined her. He marries her only because he is forced to, all the while thinking that he doesn't have to and he doesn't touch her for a very long time after they are married. He has no honour and actually I shouldn't even be referring to him as an H, he doesn't deserve that accolade. The author couldn't redeem him because she let him be an arrogant bas**rd for too long into the book (more than 90%). The things he says and does to an innocent young girl are dreadful to read and impossible to forgive. At 92% he is on the verge of going to a brothel, how on earth are we to believe in an hea at this point? Rookie mistake on the author's part, I think. I know the h hero-worshipped him and I longed for her to turn her back on him but she was only 17 and in love and no different from every other woman that chased after him. Very disappointing.

Do yourself a favour and skip this book. The second You and Only You is much better and well worth reading without the pain of this awful book.

43 of 46 people found the following review helpful.
17 year old intelligent(?) girl in love with an abusive drunk
By Amazon Customer
I wish I could say that I loved the book. Yes, it's somewhat reminiscent of the book Whitney, My Love written by Judith McNaught at the beginning, but unfortunately not even close to the original. h is suposed to be intelligent, but how can any inelligent beeing be so blindly infatueted by someone's looks, by mere appearance? No matter how attractive physically H might be, he stil is just a 29 year old coward, a drunk who hides from problems in a bottle of spirits. And he does it repeadetly in this book! He is just emotionaly constipated! It's so infuriating! I do not understand what the heroine sees in him? Except him being attractive, handsome, gorgeous etc.(all relating solely to his phisical appearance). Otherwise, he has no quality that would make him desirable by any selfrespecting woman. Whitney and Clayton had depth and were humans with virtues and flaws, but they were beliavable. I just can't see how can any woman find this H desirable. Or maybe that's just it: our h is not a woman, she is just an infatuated teenage girl ready to do whatever it takes (and I mean WHATEVER it takes!) to get her Idol. Sorry, but I found this book unbelieavable and irritating, with way too many misunderstandings and jumping to wrong conclusions. My advice: read "Whitney, my love" instead.

28 of 30 people found the following review helpful.
Ohh WOW!
By incognito
Loved this book!

Ashleigh was raised to be the heir to her grandfather, and is pretty unconventional. She plays poker, and can cheat like a champ. She's great at chess. She rides her stallion in breaches and races for fun. She wants to learn how to fence, she's smart, funny, and completely beautiful. (She reminds me a lot of one of Judith McNaughts characters...can't remember the name! But I should add that this book packs the emotion of MCNaughts books too).

Nicholas is a Duke who doesn't want marriage, hes been burned and distrusts all women. But, He's a gentlemen who adores his grandma, and so doesn't refuse her anything...including allowing Ashleigh to remain a guest.

Our H/h meet when she's out riding and they're instantly attracted to each other, and he's sure she's just someone out to ensnare him into the marriage trap, he walks away wanting to find her and propose an illicit affair. Turns out he finds her sooner then he hopes...at dinner that night as his grandmas guest. He realizes she's off limits but to battle the attraction he starts to ignore her, she recognizes it for what it is, and is pretty forward in getting him to acknowledge there's something there. She recognizes herself as being in love with him from the beginning and they have a few stolen moments together where his kisses do nothing but reassure her that she's right, and so she keeps after him. Our hero though is very mistrustful, and there are some purely innocent moments that occur which serve to heighten his distrust. Eventually their relationship comes to a breaking point and in a jealous rage she shouts out that he isn't the only one she's had. At this point she's still innocent of all wrongdoing, and his mistrust blinds him to how great she is. Every time they get close again, something innocent happens to set him off, or he gets to comfortable with her and runs off before he allows himself to depend on her love.

The book has a lot of emotion, and I even tear'ed up at the end. You really felt him falling for her, it was totally packed with emotions...often suppressed, but they were there; honestly I think Ashleigh fell blindingly fast, but she held fast to her feelings throughout the book- I think once I just shut my mind off to the fact that this was a 17 year old girl and a 29 year old man, I became ok with her feelings being legit and really enjoyed the story!

Awesome book, and highly recommended. If you like McNaught you'll like this....

See all 201 customer reviews...

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